
One of the art-related companies supported by our foundation, STUDIO FLAT, created the package design for Takaki Store’s" Kogarashi-nori” — a flavored dried seaweed commonly used in Japanese cuisine. Takaki (a traditional Japanese grocery store and wholesaler) was established in 1909.

One of the art-related companies supported by our foundation, STUDIO FLAT, created the package design for Takaki Store’s" Kogarashi-nori” — a flavored dried seaweed commonly used in Japanese cuisine. Takaki (a traditional Japanese grocery store and wholesaler) was established in 1909.

The "art" part of the package can be cut out and placed on a sticky note in a book or in a small frame to decorate a room after the product has been eaten.

The raw material for the nori comes from Tokyo Bay, Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture — the birthplace of nori cultivation. The finished products are made by companies and organizations in Kawasaki City; all the organizations utilize their connection with Kawasaki SDGs (Sustainable Developmental Goals) Gold Partners.
For more details, please click here.

About Kawasaki SDGs Registration and Certification System "Kawasaki SDGs Partners”:
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are common global goals to be addressed by the international community as a whole, as set forth in the 2030 Agenda adopted by the United Nations in 2015. The Kawasaki SDGs Partner Program is a program in which the City of Kawasaki certifies companies and organizations that are working toward the achievement of the goals. The slogan of the SDGs Partner Program is to “leave no one behind”; hence, it is a call for all stakeholders — national and local governments, corporations, and citizens — to play their roles and work toward achieving the 17 goals and 169 targets set forth in the SDGs.

STUDIO FLAT has become the first certified "Kawasaki SDGs Gold Partner".